Gabs the man

ISO – How sensitive the camera (or sensor) is to light. The higher the ISO, the more stretched and brighter the image will be and the lower the ISO the less stretched/more condensed and therefor less light is accepted by the sensor.

Aperture – Also known as f-stop or focal length, this has a large part to deal with the focus. The higher the number the wider the focus range but the image us also much darker. If the f-stop is lower the field of focus is more narrow but it also lets way more light in

Shutter speed – This is how long the shutter takes to shut. A normal film is shot at 25 frames a second so this would be 1/25 meaning the shutter closes 25 times a second and takes 25 images in that second. 5 would bean it takes 5 seconds of the shutter to close leaving a blurred image with a ghost like effect

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