FMP, Reflecting on old work πŸ”

Useful pieces of old work:

3 Photographic codes (HW)

This old WordPress is a quick reminder what the basic functions of a camera do, now obviously I know but its nice to get a simple visual example to inspire me on what I could do with focus for example

VCP 1/2, Task 3

This is useful because the project has similar requirements and the reflection on that is key to improving my work, see below.

VCP 1:2.png

I intend to fix these issues by, having better location planning, using software on my MacBook as its more stable, Making sure the shots are right and giving myself time to fix them if not and finally using adobe premiere pro ‘wars stabiliser’ isn’t as bad.

Boom microphone recording & safety

I will use this to help me get good audio because audio plays a decent role in my film, I will have to get a little bit of foley to exaggerate the diabetic sound.

Kubrick Essay

I can use the Kubrick essay as a point of reference for my visual influences, now Kubrick might not be 100% relevant but his visual style is a massive part of most people…

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