2001: A Space Odyssey

Task 1: Very bland at the start he has a robotic plain monotone voice and just executes commands, I know he is in control of almost everything on the ship. The more experiences we have with HAL the more human like he becomes, asking personal questions and showing a bit of emotion. After I notice... Continue Reading →

Dr. Strangelove Questions

1) What do the signs around the airbase say? They all say "Peace is our profession" meanwhile a load of gun shots and anarchy are going off in the background. This is Kubrick putting a bit of satire comedy in quietly to say kind of "we want peace but we aren't peaceful about it" 2)... Continue Reading →


We learned how to play chess. To be honest I have no clue what this has to do with education but I did learn a bit about Stanley Kubrick however this had nothing to do with chess. I actually have no clue what chess has to do with anything other then Kubrick played it for... Continue Reading →

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