The Shining, opening scene analysis

The film opens with booming horror type music that is very intimidating and scary, this is very off putting considering the shots are peaceful panning of nature or tracking of a car that looks to be off on an adventure. A good use of juxtaposition with 8 shots

This gives the film an eerie start, the camera is flying through the sky observing rivers and woodland it feels very empty at the same time because no animals are seen, same with cars only one or two cars yet its a big road.  There isn’t really any symmetry but good use of rule of thirds which makes every shot pleasing.

The car is very tiny surrounded by woodland which probably represents how insignificant they are in comparison to everything,  also how alone they are amd that hekp may not be an option. The camera sort of feels like it is chasing the car towards the middle of the intro. It closes in on the car quickly.

The big blue font stands out a lot as is probably intended, it doesmt blend well at all and I personally don’t like it but that may be the intention. The cuts are sharp and almost noticeable which adds to the uncomfortable atmosphere.

For an intro it makes me want to wrap up because I feel very isolated about the situation. I think it sets up the film well being a Horror because it is interesting amd the shots are beautiful but it doesnt feel right.

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