Kubrick Eval

Intro: The production experience was very enjoyable because I got to go and visit a place that meant a lot to me when I was younger. I went alone so it did get boring at times but the nostalgia I made up for it partially. The title was the address of my Nan’s because I... Continue Reading →

Narrative Theory

There are many narrative theories but the one I am looking at is by "Claude Levi-Strauss" and in short he mentions binary opposition and that all stories are propelled forward by conflict that is caused by characters or events opposing each other ('all drama is conflict' - Aristotle). Two completed opposites for example: Good and... Continue Reading →

Kubrick Task 1, Essay

Stanley Kubrick is a very unique director in the sense that he will go to great lengths to make sure every aspect of the film is perfect in his eyes. He will have piles on top of piles of research for certain parts of a film he might be working on. Here are some examples:... Continue Reading →

Location Evaluation

We mostly checked out south side for locations but also looked around some of the main building. South side is very "ghetto" compared to the main building so could do well for some run down shots and also is much older so you could use it if something was filmed in the past. The main... Continue Reading →

Trip to Tate Modern

Which piece of art did you choose? What's its title? I chose a weird spider sculpture, its solid black and it mounted on the wall. I didnt notice it until the second time I came around. Its called "Spider I" (1995) Who's the artist? Louise Bourgeois When was it made? 1995 Describe its style? It... Continue Reading →

Evaluation of the week

Monday: Narrative Theory (Absent due to operation) I came in late because of my operation but after reading through the sheet I learned that Aristotle said "all drama is conflict". Narrative theory is the way a story is told Symmetry Then we had to hand in our symmetry work which half the class didn't do... Continue Reading →

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